I am happy to announce that I will continue to offer telephone consultations during the shelter in place period and beyond. In addition to acupuncture I offer functional nutrition and herbal medicine consultations. 

If you need any supplement or herbal refills or have questions regarding your treatment plan please feel free to reach out via phone or email.

Some of the services I offer include (but are not limited to):

A rigorous gut healing protocol to rebalance the microbiome and health of the gut lining. A strong and healthy gastrointestinal system is key to many health issues. This protocol may include lab testing and interpretation, herbal and nutritional supplements, dietary advice.

Hormone testing and custom protocols for both men and women to optimize vitality and fertility. Even if you are putting off the idea of trying to conceive because of the uncertainty of COVID-19 this give you an opportunity of extra time to look deeply at optimizing hormones during all phases of the menstrual cycle for women. Both men and women get a chance to examine how lifestyle factors influence biochemical hormonal pathways and learn how they can optimize this for both general health and fertility.

Herbal medicine and nutritional supplement consultations over phone or internet for if you do get sick. Many viruses are still circulating in addition to COVID-19. Herbal medicine and nutritional supplements are not a replacement for seeking conventional medicine help but can be a valuable addition to help resolve symptoms faster and prevent them from becoming less severe.

If you are interested in functional nutrition and/or herbal medicine but have more questions I am happy to give a free 15 minute phone consultation. Please email my at alicia@renewnaturalhealth.com or call at (650) 605-7134 to set up appointments.